2016年5月5日 星期四

The First Board Meeting at Taipei 101 Din Tai Fung Restaurant

The leaders of Taiwanese alumni association had well discussed on 5th May at Din Tai Fung Restaurant Taipei 101 branch. 

After a 2-hour brain storming dinner, we will be arranging a series of alumni events which are including relaxing activities (on 15th July), career experience sharing (in mid-October) and the most exciting and biggest member gathering (in mid-December).

Please follow our news closely because the secret events will be revealing.......

2016年5月1日 星期日

2016-17 New Leaders of Taiwanese Alumni Association of UoB

Honorary president:
  1. Richard Shen 冼志南 1993 MBA in international business (the 1st  president, 1996)
  2. Matt Tsao     曹重明  2000 MBA in international banking and Finance (the 4t president, 2000-2016)
  • Clarence Ke 柯進輝 2010-11 MA TEFL in English (the 2010-11 president of Taiwanese students association)
Vice president:
  1. Candice Yeh 葉曉怡 2012-13 MSc Marketing Communications (attended alumni association since 2014), in charge of event hosting.
  2. Dr. Thomas Tu杜博文 2011-15 PhD Mechanical Engineering (the 2013-14 president of Taiwanese students association), in charge of pre-departure briefing in Taipei.
  3. Hank Wang  王馨磊  2013-14 MSc international business (host the pre-departure briefing in Tainan since 2015), in charge of pre-departure briefing in Tainan.


  • 2016.04.16台南場新生座談,於UKEAS Tainan舉辦。

感謝校友Hank籌辦,並另外邀請Wendy Wu & Cindy Chou擔任主講人。歡迎新生明年底畢業後,隔年此時能再度回來,把台灣人的人情味繼續傳承下去。

  • 2016.04.23校友聯誼暨臺北場新生座談,於犇亞國際中心舉辦。
本次校友活動與新生座談為校友Clarence籌畫,Thomas Tu主講,大約18位校友參加並分享經驗。新生共27位,另有4位家長參與。

